Sedum plants are known as Stonecrop because of the saying that the only thing that lives longer than Sedum plants are stones. They are an easy-to-grow group of succulents that look great throughout the year.

The popular, adaptable Sedums are low-growing succulents with creeping stems and small, fleshy evergreen leaves in a tremendous variety of size, shapes, textures and colours. These forgiving plants are perhaps the most diverse of all the plants in the succulent world, and also the most widespread, ranging from Europe, Asia and Africa. The groundcover varieties spread easily, rooting as they grow along the soil and will fill the available space with a lush, undulating carpet that is easy to maintain.  Their cascading growth makes them excellent plants for vertical gardens, hanging baskets, retaining walls, rock gardens, slope gardening and containers. Sedums grow best in compost-enriched sandy, free-draining soil in full sun. Although they like full sun, some of the highly variegated Sedums, like Sedum ‘Angelina’, need dappled sunlight to prevent sunburn. During early summer small star-shaped flowers in clusters appear which attracts different insects, butterflies and bees. Sedums are the ideal plant for that part of your garden that gets too much sun and is in need of water-wise plants.

Exotic Sedums for your garden:

Sedum lineare Variegata: Common name Sea Urchin; has pale green foliage with creamy white margins and bright yellow flowers in summer. 

Sedum tetractinum ‘Coral Reef’: Flat growing Sedum with dark green round leaves and yellow flowers in summer. 

Sedum rubrotinctum: ‘Jelly Bean’: Resembles childhood sweets and comes in many colours from dark green to red in increased heat and sun and yellow flowers in summer. 

Sedum pachyphyllum: Also resembles jelly bean sweets but with blue-green fleshy leaves with the leaves tips tinged red. Yellow flowers in summer.

Sedum nussbaumerianum: Common name Coppertone Stone. This golden-leaved succulent on vertical rigid stems have long triangular leaves with rounded edges that go deep orange- gold in summer. Creamy white flowers in summer.

Sedum reflexum (rupestre) ‘Angelina’: Common name Golden Stonecrop. This fine-leaved Sedum, in bright yellow, needle-like foliage, is an eye-catching plant and prefers dappled sunlight to protect the leaves from sunburn. In spring, the leaves turn a lime green with bright yellow clusters of flowers on the tips of the stems. Good contrasting plant for hanging bowls and mixed containers.

Sedum reflexum (rupestre) and Sedum reflexum (rupestre) ‘Blue Spruce’: They are blue-grey Sedums with the ‘Blue Spruce’ the thicker fleshy foliage and taller grower. Creamy flowers in summer.

Sedum album Athoum: Flat, dark green growing Sedum with clusters of star-shaped flowers in summer. Forms a dense carpet.

Growing Sedum plants are easy and with a large variety to choose from, you will surely find a few that will work for your garden and brighten up your life.

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